Map dimensions: 1024x1024, current in-game date: April 2060 (starting date: January 1820)
There are 10 active players (2 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.
Map dimensions: 8448x2944, current in-game date: March 1848 (starting date: January 1750)
There are 10 active players (5 out of 16 player slots are locked). Currently 0 clients are connected.
Hide detailed server information
Map detail: 238 towns, 1264192 citizens, 3389 factories, 7869 vehicles and 3275 stops.
The pakset version is: Pak128.Britain-Ex-0.9.4
The server game version is: cc5d78c
The last announce by this server was 3 minutes 3 seconds ago, the next announce is expected in 11 minutes 56 seconds
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Pakset link: Download pakset
Info link: Server information
Large, long-term games of Simutrans-Extended with Pak128.Britain-Ex using the latest nightly builds.
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